

An investigation into a day's worth of IceCube Live message traffic



(this space intentionally left almost blank)

[Clojure bookkeeping ...] --->

(ns liveana.core
  (:require [ :as json]
            [liveana.i3d3 :refer [i3d3 time-to-js]]
            [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
            [clj-time.core :refer [date-time interval in-seconds now]]
            [clj-ssh.cli :refer [ssh sftp]]))

First look at a day's worth of messages

I've unpacked one day's worth of SPADE Priority 3 files from the Data Warehouse (everything from /data/exp/IceCube/2013/internal-system/I3Live/1120/I3Live-Msgs-Prio3*). These files, once unzipped/untarred, should have all messages for the entire day.

We want to see the relative abundance of messages by service name.

This is a very short Clojure or Python program:

import os
import toolz
import json

def messages_from_file(fname):
    with file(fname) as ff:
        return json.loads(

def gen():
    for fname in os.listdir("../resources"):
        if not fname.startswith("I3Live"):
        for m in messages_from_file("../resources/" + fname):
            yield m["service"]

print toolz.frequencies(gen())

The Clojure code is enclosed in a comment expression, since this is a literate program which we may choose to execute later.

  (frequencies (for [file (->> "/Users/jacobsen/Desktop/liveana/resources/"
                       :when (.isFile file)
                       message (->> file
                   (message "service"))))

Our relative abundances are shown in the map (dictionary) on the left. Execution time is 6.8 seconds in Clojure, 53 seconds in Python. The 13 messages that have nil (in Python, None) as a service name are alerts (not user-alerts) and comment actions from the Run Coordinator.

{nil 13,
 "I3DAQDispatch" 11283,
 "pdaq" 29835,
 "OpticalFollowUp" 39762,
 "PFRawWriter" 10220,
 "I3MoniPhysA" 287,
 "TFRateMonitor" 479,
 "uptimer" 1696,
 "sn-email" 12,
 "I3MoniDomMon" 288,
 "livecontrol" 2595,
 "diskmon-expcont" 192,
 "GammaFollowUp" 39752,
 "PFFiltWriter" 15200,
 "temperature" 882,
 "I3MoniDomTcal" 287,
 "I3MoniDomSn" 287,
 "meteorology" 144,
 "PFServer1" 8508,
 "PFServer2" 8474,
 "sndaq" 1037,
 "PFServer3" 8460,
 "I3MoniMover" 667,
 "HSiface" 9713,
 "PFFiltDispatch" 2165,
 "PFServer4" 8449,
 "DB" 624}

Refactoring the above code slightly, we pull out a function to extract all messages from the files in our directory.

(def dirname "/Users/jacobsen/Desktop/liveana/resources/")
(defn day-msgs []
  (for [file (->> dirname
        :when (.isFile file)
        message (->> file

Using day-msgs, the total number of messages is just

=> 201311

  (count (day-msgs)))

What sort of lengths do the messages have? Though the details depend on the transport mechanism, as a rough measure we can take the length of the messages as serialized to JSON strings.

(defn average-message-length []
  (->> (day-msgs)
       (map json/write-str)
       (map count)
       (apply +')
       (#(/ % 201311))

=> 409.18787

To see how the lengths are distributed, we first convert values to bins...

(defn hist-values [xmin xmax nbins xs]
  (let [binfunc (fn [x]
                  (int (* nbins (/ (- x xmin)
                                   (- xmax xmin)))))
        binned-values (map binfunc xs)
        freqs (frequencies binned-values)]
    (map #(get freqs % 0) (range nbins))))

..and use i3d3 to show the distribution of message lengths (as serialized into JSON).

(defn length-distributions []
  (let [bins (->> (day-msgs)
                  (map (comp count json/write-str))
                  (hist-values 0 3000 300))]
    (i3d3 "plot1" {:data [{:type "bars"
                           :bins bins
                           :color "#3b6c9d"
                           :range [0 3000]}]
                   :size [700, 250]
                   :yscale "log"
                   :xlabel "JSON message length, bytes",
                   :ylabel "Entries"})))

How about priorities? How are they distributed?

(defn prio-distributions []
  (let [bins (->> (day-msgs)
                  (map #(% "prio"))
                  (hist-values 0 4 3))]
    (i3d3 "plot2" {:data [{:type "bars"
                           :bins bins
                           :color "grey"
                           :range [0 4]}]
                   :size [700, 250]
                   :xlabel "Priorities"
                   :ylabel "Entries"})))

How about viewing message lengths broken down by priority?

(defn lengths-by-priority [p div]
   (let [bins (->> (day-msgs)
                   (filter #(= (% "prio") p))
                   (map (comp count json/write-str))
                   (hist-values 0 3000 300))]
     (i3d3 div {:data [{:type "bars"
                        :bins bins
                        :color "#3b6c9d"
                        :range [0 3000]}]
                :size [700, 150]
                :yscale "log"
                :xlabel "JSON message length, bytes",
                :ylabel "Entries"})))
(lengths-by-priority 1 "plot3")
(lengths-by-priority 2 "plot4")
(lengths-by-priority 3 "plot5")

This is a work in progress. Next steps are to explore more characteristics of this data, and to consider ways to meet new requirements under consideration for IceCube Live messaging.

Next steps -- look at times.

(defn time-for [s]
  (->> s
         #"^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d{0,10}))?$")
       (take 6)
       (map #(Integer/parseInt %))
       (apply date-time)))
(defn delta-times []
  (let [first-time (->> (day-msgs)
                        (map #(% "t"))
        max-t-sec 250
        bins (->> (day-msgs)
                  (map #(% "t"))
                  (map time-for)
                  (map #(interval first-time %))
                  (map in-seconds)
                  (partition 2 1)
                  (map (fn [[a b]] (- b a)))
                  (hist-values 0 max-t-sec 100))]
    (i3d3 "plot6" {:data [{:type "bars"
                       :bins bins
                       :color "#3b6c9d"
                       :range [0 max-t-sec]}]
               :size [700, 250]
               :yscale "log"
               :xlabel "Times between messages, seconds",
               :ylabel "Entries"})))


We assume most of the data we're sending is moni messages. Verify this:

(println (message-type-frequencies))


{moni 93904,
 user-alert 68,
 alert 6,
 rundata 6,
 comment 7}
(defn message-type-frequencies []
  (->> (day-msgs)
       (filter #(= (% "prio") 1))
       (map #(% "cmd"))

What are the top ten most common varnames monitored at priority 1? To do this we would like a function which would take a set of key/value pairs (a map), sort the values, and find the keys which yield the largest values.

(defn unroll-map-sorted [m]
  (let [values (-> m vals set sort reverse)]
    (for [v values]
            [v (for [k (keys m) :when (= (m k) v)] k)])))

Our most common monitored scalar quantities are therefore:

(defn common-prio-1-monis []
  (->> (day-msgs)
       (filter #(= (% "prio") 1))
       (filter #(= (% "cmd") "moni"))
       (map #((% "payload") "varname"))
       (take 10)))
(pprint (common-prio-1-monis))


([80774 ("state")]
 [1436 ("physicsEvents")]
 [290 ("run_update")]
 [144 ("wxconditions")]
   ;; ....
 [96 ("HsPublisher@expcont.sps"
 [95 ("maxTemp6")]
 [19 ("significance")])

state messages are BY FAR the highest volume of traffic. (Matt Newcomb determined this several months ago.)

Which service is sending the most state records?

(defn biggest-state-reporters []
  (->> (day-msgs)
       (filter #(= (% "prio") 1))
       (filter #(= (% "cmd") "moni"))
       (filter #(= ((% "payload") "varname") "state"))
       (map #(% "service"))
       (take 10)))
(pprint (biggest-state-reporters))


([37053 ("OpticalFollowUp")]
 [36588 ("GammaFollowUp")]
 [479 ("TFRateMonitor" "PFFiltDispatch")]
 [478 ("I3DAQDispatch" "PFRawWriter")]
 [318 ("pdaq")]
 [288 ("I3MoniDomMon" "sndaq")]
 [28 ("livecontrol")])

Holy multimessenger, OFU/GFU are totally spamming ITS with their state reporting. How frequently are those being reported?

(defn deltats [s]
  (->> s
       (partition 2 1)
       (map (fn [[a b]] (interval a b)))))
(let [maxdt 200
      bins (->> (day-msgs)
                (filter #(= (% "prio") 1))
                (filter #(= (% "cmd") "moni"))
                (filter #(= (% "service") "OpticalFollowUp"))
                (filter #(= ((% "payload") "varname") "state"))
                (map (comp time-for #(% "t")))
                (map in-seconds)
                (hist-values 0 maxdt 1000))]
  (i3d3 "plot7" {:data [{:type "bars"
                         :bins bins
                         :color "#3b6c9d"
                         :range [0 maxdt]}]
                 :size [700, 250]
                 :yscale "log"
                 :xlabel "Times between OFU status messages, seconds",
                 :ylabel "Entries"}))


This bimodal distribution suggests something goofy. We can inspect the times by writing them back out to a file...

(defn write-ofu-state-times []
  (->> (day-msgs)
       (filter #(= (% "prio") 1))
       (filter #(= (% "cmd") "moni"))
       (filter #(= (% "service") "OpticalFollowUp"))
       (filter #(= ((% "payload") "varname") "state"))
       (map (comp #(% "t")))
       (#(with-out-str (pprint %)))
       (spit "/tmp/ofutimes")))

Sometimes they look like this, i.e. once every 3 minutes...

 "2013-11-20 23:00:57.297997"
 "2013-11-20 23:03:58.387704"
 "2013-11-20 23:06:58.671330"
 "2013-11-20 23:09:58.722348"
 "2013-11-20 23:13:00.788604"
 "2013-11-20 23:16:03.245657"
 "2013-11-20 23:19:04.784654"
 "2013-11-20 23:22:04.845620"
 "2013-11-20 23:25:05.534559"
 "2013-11-20 23:28:07.422556"
 "2013-11-20 23:31:08.565761"
 "2013-11-20 23:34:09.676526"

... and sometimes like this (~ 1 Hz).

 "2013-11-20 17:53:12.213043"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:12.727890"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:14.443550"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:14.957570"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:16.621265"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:17.185204"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:18.849326"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:19.363238"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:21.077113"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:21.590343"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:23.253939"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:23.818978"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:25.482208"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:25.997032"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:27.676178"
 "2013-11-20 17:53:28.241808"

Time dependence of time difference:

(defn time-difference-vs-t []
  (let [t0 (->> (day-msgs)
                (#(% "t"))
        points (->> (day-msgs)
                    (filter #(= (% "prio") 1))
                    (filter #(= (% "cmd") "moni"))
                    (filter #(= (% "service") "OpticalFollowUp"))
                    (filter #(= ((% "payload") "varname") "state"))
                    (map #(% "t"))
                    (partition 2 1)
                    (take-nth 10) ;; so the plot doesn't get too huge
                    (map (fn [[s1 s2]]
                           ;; time since start:
                           {:x (in-seconds (interval t0 (time-for s1)))
                            ;; time spread:
                            :y (in-seconds (interval (time-for s1)
                                                     (time-for s2)))})))]
    (i3d3 "plot8" {:data [{:type "points"
                           :values points
                           :color "#3b6c9d"
                           :size 1.5}]
                   :size [700, 500]
                   :xlabel "t (seconds)",
                   :ylabel "delta-t"})))